domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Boring Day...

So, today, just as I was finishing up my trek to Santas house up in Colorado (or where ever he lives), and I said, this is boring. So, I decided to go back to my house, only to find that everything there was boring too. Im bored of playing Call of Duty: World At War, so that's a potential No-No. Then I went on Facebook! and there was no one online that was worthy of talking to, and then I went here and found out a certain peer has a certain blog that is absolutely awesome, I want to give a shout out to Smellanie. Nice Blog! So, I guess since I have no school, or I mean work at the stockbreaking place tommorow, so I'm scheduling a showing of RockNRolla at the movies tommorow to ultimately satisfy my boredom. I'm sure that movie will be Kick-Ass - I mean butt (sorry mom), so hopefully it will make my top ten as it is one of my most anticipated movies of 2008 aside from Iron Man, Curious Case of Ben Button, Dark Knight and Tropic Thunder. Bye, Everybody, assuming anybody is actually reading this.

2 comentarios:

Harry dijo...

random post.

SMELLANIE! dijo...

LOL shout out to me!!!! ima write a post about u being awsome mkay?? so u gotta read it!!! ahahaha
ttyl8tr =]