jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008


I am almost breathless... The Golden Globe noms came out today and guess who got nominated?
Robert Downey Jr, Tropic Thunder
Tom Cruise, Tropic Thunder
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
James Franco, Pineapple Express
and In Bruges for Best Comedy!!!

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Oscar Push!!

Golden Globe Nods are tommorow, I'm hoping my man Heath Ledger will at least get a nom for the phenomenal performance in The Dark Knight, but really, what I'm here to say is that I want Robert Downey Jr. to get a nom for supporting actor in Tropic Thunder. He is hilarious no doubt and his performance is very controversial all together which makes it all the better.


So, I just want to make a shout out to my homegirl melanie. For those other readers melanies blog is right here at www.smellaniesblog.blogspot.com , and it is pretty pimpin. Melanie goes to my school and is a really cool person, and if you see her, make sure to get her autograph(mine too). I'm bored right now(isnt this the whole reason I created this blog in the first place?) I might as well pop in one of my brand new DVD's like Tropic Thunder, Crank, Iron Man, or Kung Fu Panda!!! I've been watching movies all day so thats pretty cool.
Melanie Rules!!

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


This is my review for the Guy Ritchie directed film RockNRolla, starring Gerard Butler (300), Thandie Newton(Mission Impossible 2) Tom Wilikinson(Batman Begins) and relative newcomer Mark Strong. The story centers around a group of people called the Wild Bunch, which consists of local theifs and conmen such as One-Two(Butler), Bob(Tom Hardy) and Mumbles(Idris Elba). When a local mob-boss lands a deal with some very rich russians, the mob boss loses his business partners high valued lucky painting, where it ends up in the hands of a presumed dead rock star, and this wild bunch are hired to steal it back, along with 7 million euros of the russians money. This film as I've mentioned before was one of my most anticipated films of '08, and I'm pretty sure it just about made it to my top ten list. The story was well built, and for those who don't really get along with british accents should not see this film. But the acting was superb, from Butler and crew, but mostly from relatively new actor Mark Strong who plays Archie, the right hand man of the mob boss and the narrator of the story. I had seen Strong in last months Body of Lies ( which he was also very awesome in) and thats when my interest with this actor really sparked. Excellent directing on Richies part, who's previous film Revolver was to my dislike, although I really enjoyed Snatch. It has some very funny moments in the film like any Guy Ritchie joint and it kept me interested from start to finish. It had a very unique style of filming combined with just amazing music and I was so entertained that I would not hesitate to see it again. The movie had some downs though, like some very awkward moments that did not really agree with me, but that really did'nt bug me all that much because there were so many other enjoyable things at play.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Boring Day...

So, today, just as I was finishing up my trek to Santas house up in Colorado (or where ever he lives), and I said, this is boring. So, I decided to go back to my house, only to find that everything there was boring too. Im bored of playing Call of Duty: World At War, so that's a potential No-No. Then I went on Facebook! and there was no one online that was worthy of talking to, and then I went here and found out a certain peer has a certain blog that is absolutely awesome, I want to give a shout out to Smellanie. Nice Blog! So, I guess since I have no school, or I mean work at the stockbreaking place tommorow, so I'm scheduling a showing of RockNRolla at the movies tommorow to ultimately satisfy my boredom. I'm sure that movie will be Kick-Ass - I mean butt (sorry mom), so hopefully it will make my top ten as it is one of my most anticipated movies of 2008 aside from Iron Man, Curious Case of Ben Button, Dark Knight and Tropic Thunder. Bye, Everybody, assuming anybody is actually reading this.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

My First Entry

Hello, Obviously if you are reading this then you know that my blog is about Random Stuff, Mostly Movies. If you are taking a strong dislike in this blog, then go ahead and screw off. But for those of you who actually do care (and i thank you for reading beyond the point of the whole "Screw off" thing) then I guess I am obligated to keep writing so... I like movies. I have a collection of over 400 movies. They are really cool movies, and right now I'm sounding like a first grader playing show and tell. Anyways, My favorite movie of all time is Shaun of the Dead, and my favorite piece of news this week is the fact that Beyonce is 'Terrified of Having a baby' (Courtesy of Yahoo! News). I mean cmon, you either are gonna have a kid or your not going to have a kid, there is no 'terrifying' thing about having a kid. You either hate kids, feeding them, changing diapers, taking them to Hannah Montana feature length events, or you love them, they are the gift of life, you love that smell after they said they made an Uh-Oh. You can't be scared, it's not like little damien is going to rip you're hair out or stab you in the back. But worst of it all, is that Beyonce strip teases in concert in front of spazzy little tweens. It just seems ridiculous, but then again, I would hate to be the mother of a Baby who's daddy just so happens to be all star rapper Jay Z. Look Who's Talking IV: Encore. I'll be back if you holmeses choose to , but as long as people continue to hate me, I'll just be I guy who's around, saving peoples lives and what not. At least I think that's how the quote from the dark night went. Toodles.